Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Northwest Zone: Fishing
Most Mid-Coast Rivers are closed to steelhead fishing. Some of the large river basins have specific areas open in April. Anglers are encouraged to consult the regulations prior to fishing for steelhead.
ALSEA RIVER : Winter steelhead angling is slow to fair. The mainstem Al sea River and North Fork are open to steelhead fishing through April 30. The South Fork Al sea River is closed for steelhead fishing. Anglers are reminded that only adipose fin-clipped steelhead may be harvested. The river conditions for fishing should remain favorable through the week. During high flows, anglers should concentrate on upper river and headwater areas first as river conditions improve more rapidly. Current river levels and forecasts can be found at

SILETZ RIVER : Winter steelhead fishing is slow to fair. Most fish can be found in the upper basin above the Town of Siletz . A majority of steelhead have spawned or will be during April making for less quality table fair. The first summer steelhead should be showing up in the lower river by the end of April into early May. River conditions for fishing should remain favorable through the weekend. During high flows, anglers should concentrate on upper river and headwater areas first as river conditions improve more rapidly. Current river levels and forecasts can be found at

YAQUINA RIVER : Steelhead fishing is closed above tidewater and will reopen on May 27 along with cutthroat trout fishing. Chinook salmon fishing is open in tidewater but is expected to be slow until late summer. During high flows, anglers should concentrate on upper river and headwater areas first as river conditions improve more rapidly.

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