Did you ever fanaticize about what it would be like ?? You know….fishing every day, meeting interesting people, lots of fun conversation, catching lots of fish, the glamour of it all & how’ bout the Big Bucks……..Better then a “Day at Work”…RIGHT……….
Well lets see……up at 5:00 AM, load the boat the night before, prep the poles & gear, drive to river early & wait a half hour for the clients to show, determine that the river is out of shape…while standing in a rain storm, drive back to home, strip the boat down & re-prep with Trout trolling gear, meet client again at the lake, client brings Dead Worms he bought at Fred’s, now we only have Dead Worms for bait, did I mention is was raining?? Unload boat from trailer & row around the lake pulling Dead Worms, did I mention it was raining & blowing side ways, Damn wet & no fish, client thinks it might be a good idea to call it a day…I agree…load the boat & return home, unload the boat, dump out 10 gallons of rain water, put gear away, tarp boat down & return it to storage parking lot, dry out waders, take a shower & long nap!!...Yep, better than work!!...Did I mention it rained yesterday?? Off to work the fish trap tomorrow, then looks like Friday will be a good day to try the river again, follow up on memo to call clients to bring rain gear & a “Sense of Humor.”
Better than a day at work…RIGHT !!........Well there is “360 ways of looking at an Elephant”…….This is a true story & it taught me not to be so quick to say “RIGHT”……It does a man good to eat a little crow once in awhile, keeps him humble !! THE HOOK