Friday, February 02, 2007

We had our monthly breakfast meeting at the Agate Beach Golf Course on February 1st. As always, we had a good turnout and a great breakfast.

I know most everyone has been involved with, or heard of "ebay". There was interest from the Club for what we will call "FISH BAY." We are currently working on this with Ron Thomas. This will become part of the LVH Fishing Club website. Any club member will be able to put an item for sale on the site or request an item they might like to buy (subject to possible censorship, of course). This will not just be limited to fishing related items. We will let you know as soon as it is up and running. We are also working on getting the calendar working on our website. Needless to say, poor Ron isn't going to be getting any rest with all the work he is doing for us. Thank you Teckron!

Our guest speaker was one of our own, Butch Mimich. Butch owns a small fly fishing shop in Seal Rock called "Goin'Fishin". He spoke to us about a miracle tool for tying knots called the "Cinch Tie" and showed us a video on how to use it. It was a little over my head but I heard a lot of "oohs" and "aahs" so I think it's pretty good.

Next meeting is February 15th. We will have a short meeting before departing for our tour of Oregon Oyster Farms.

First Lady

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