Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Today, Wayde and I went with Casey Deckard (ODFW) to survey the 5 mono recycling station sites that LVH Fishing Club will be responsible for installing. We took photos to insure the poles go in the correct location. The first one was at the South Beach Marina boat ramp in Newport.

Wayde (being The Surveyor) advised Casey we would need to locate services before we dig to make sure there are no lines in the area, so this site will be done at a later date.

The next site we visited was Olalla Reservoir.

Then we went to the Canyon Quarry park site on the Yaquina River.

This next stop was my favorite of the day, Elk City. There was some history to be learned .

We marked the site for the pole .

And, best of all, we saw a mink (can you see him in the middle of the photo on the opposite shore?). It was a great way to spend the morning and we saw some beautiful country.

We didn't make the trip to the 1 mile marker in the Siletz gorge because we know exactly where that one is to be located.

We will meet Casey tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. to pick up the materials. There will be a work party at 7:00 p.m. at our house tomorrow night (Wednesday) for all who are able to come and help. There's not a lot to it so it shouldn't take long.

Watch for an e-mail blast from Big Fish on when the work party will actually be putting these poles in. It should be a fun day and, as always, the work will go faster the more help we have.

First Lady
and Surveyor

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