Saturday, November 29, 2008


ON THE WATER FOR DECEMBER               (2008)


OK >> SPORTSFANS >< IT’S RIVALRY WEEKEND >&< THAT MEANS >< OREGON “CIVIL WAR” FOOTBALL >&< THE WINNER  IS >>>> (I am holding the Press, until I find out) >>>  ( DUCKS >> 65 ) >><< ( BEAVERS >> 38 )   FINAL !!!!!  GO DUCKS !!!           


Well, now that we have that Exciting Event taken care of for another year, we can get on with NOVEMBER “Fish’in Club Bid’ness” & Other Stuff !!!   This has been a very busy month, what with a Bunch of SPECIAL DAYS >> Election, Veterans, Thanksgiving & Then there were some other IMPORTANT DAYS like>> CERT Helo, Schooner Creek Bridge Retro-Fit, Aquatic Angler Program Meeting, Salmon Derby Ends, New 2009 Club Officers & the Newport International Pier Tour …….. I may have missed a day or two in there some place, but you get the idea >&< I didn’t even mention that we have a “Sort of Deal’ on New Commercial Ground Fish Regulations, a “Definite Maybe” on 2 Oregon Coastal Marine Reserves, a “Possible Death Sentence” on “Maybe 85” Salmon Eating Sea Lions on the Columbia River & on a more positive Columbia River Note, Sonar shows that the Celilo Falls, which were inundated, in 1957 by the Dalles Dam, are still Falling, albeit under water……Talk about Information Over Load !!!!               


Let’s touch upon a couple of Nov. Issues >>><< Hope You All had a nice “Turkey Day” & Hope You All saw First Lady’s “Bridge Repair” Pix Album ….. This was a really fun & constructive project. We had the pleasure of recognizing BUTCH MINICH for Rounding Up All of the Construction Materials at NO COST to ODFW >><< Butch insists, that we mention, that it took a WHOLE BUNCH of Fine Folks, representing CCFF, ANWS & LVH who “Pitched In” to make this “Combined Fishing Club Project” turn out so well. As to the AAP Meeting, held at ODFW Headquarters in Salem, Brian Hudson continues to be our Coastal Program Leader. To that end, for our 3ed year, the Newport Middle School has, again, invited us to run this Outstanding Oregon Youth Fishing / Sewardship Program. As previously mentioned, our 2008 Salmon Derby Ends at Midnight, 30 November …… Right now it’s “Looking Good” for Brother Phil Reed … BUT … It’s not over “Till the Fat lady Sings”!!  Lurching right along, you can find the 2009 Roster of New Officers posted on the Fishing Club WALL in the Club House. On behalf of all of the Officers who have agreed to serve again for 2009, we very much appreciate your votes, which make our new term of office official ….. Let me mention a Friend of Our Club who is having a Tough “Health” Time right now >< Please put Chief Tom McAdams on your Angel List >>&<< It is with Great Sadness, that I mention the recent loss of 2 Fishermen on the Tillamook Bar…….. I sure hope you were able to make the NITP Tour. Barb’s PIX will give you some idea of what we saw & the magnitude of this very important Port of Newport / Yaquina Bay Project. What we came away from this tour with, is a strong affirmation that the people charged with the responsibility to accomplish this project really know what they are doing. Their actions, every step of the way, are based on Good Science & Engineering Principles & they have the very best interest of our Beloved Yaquina Bay & Subsequent Generations right up there at “The Top of their Priority List” …………   


Let’s slide on into DECEMBER >><< I am still struggling, as I do each year, with “The Decision” <<??>> Do I put up the Outside Christmas Lights or Not ??  By the time my column “Hits the Street”, you can drive by my home & see what my decision turned out to be !!!  What I do not have any equivocation about, are the Fun Holiday Events we have planned for this month. Specifically, the Winner of the 2008 Salmon Derby will be announced at our Breakfast Meeting & the BIGGIE of the MONTH will be our 18 Dec. CHRISTMAS PARTY >><< There will be lots of Goodies to Enjoy & Best of All, we will be able to Honor & “Roast” our good friend BRIAN HUDSON as our 2008 JOE LONGO AWARD WINNER. Prior to putting Brian through “The Hoops” we will recognize a Member of our Club who always manages to “Stay Just Under the Radar” but is always there when we need a “Good Hand” ….. Don’t miss the Christmas Party to find out who this “Mystery Member” is !!!  And then there is Christmas Day >><< If all goes well 1 of our sons, Mark, will be with us & he has already indicated a strong interest in “Hooking Up” with one of the Siletz Trap Teams to make a Trap Run. As we get closer, I’ll try to set this up for Mark & I to go along with the Lead Team Trapper.


In closing, Mary & I have decided, that we are not going to send Christmas Cards this year >><< So allow us to extend, from our Home to Yours, our Warmest Holiday Greetings to Each & Everyone of You >>&<< May the True Spirit of the Holiday Season Bless Us All.


Well, that’s the Top of the News as it Looks from Here …. Hope to See You On The Water ……..  THE HOOK         

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