Friday, June 26, 2009

LVH FC Meeting & Event Schedule for JULY (2009)



MEETING & EVENT SCHEDULE FOR >>>>> JULY         ( 2009 )


2   July      Thursday     MONTHLY BREAKFAST MEETING >>>>      (9 AM at the Agate Beach Golf Course Restaurant.)


This will be another “Double Do-Rah” >!!< What we hope to do is have 2 Special Guests join us for our usual Fun Breakfast. I think you may remember meeting them previously. In any event >< Virginia Tardaewether & Parker Ogburn have been extremely contributory to the success we have enjoyed with our ongoing Newport Middle School Aquatic Angler Program. To that end, Brian Hudson & I would like to present each of them with an ODFW Certificate of Appreciation for their Many Generous Contributions, which greatly contributed to the Graduation of the AAP Class of 2009. 


4   July      Saturday     INDEPENDENCE DAY >><< FLY THE FLAG & Burn Some Burgers / Dogs with some Friends !!~!~!


7   July      Tuesday     3ed QUARTER ODFW VOLUNTEER COORDINATION MEETING   (9 AM at the ODFW Newport Office)


As you may recall, these quarterly meetings involve the Leadership of the 3 Coastal Fishing Clubs (CCFF, LVH FC & ANWS) convening with ODFW Staff to look over the Volunteer Challenges & Resources required to meet the various Stewardship & Sustainability Projects before us during this quarter.             (We will also be holding our Q3 FC Board Meeting >>JULY<< Date / Time to be determined.)


HEADS UP >> for a << SCHEDULE FLIP !~!~!


16  July    Thursday     BEVERLY BEACH LITTER PATROL        ( 9 AM All Hands Muster at the Club House)


As we did last month >< We will again conduct a Beach Patrol under the “Guiding Hand” of our Beach Mistress (aka Ellie LeMaster). After our 9 AM Muster, we will Car Pool down to the Beach ….. Remember to Wear Sturdy Shoes & Bring your Gloves >< (We will provide Litter Bags.)


23  July    Thursday     GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING / OFF CAMPUS TOUR >>>>  ( 9 AM Meet at the LVH Club House)


Our Off Campus Tour this month will involve a Very Special Visit, with the “Net Lady” (Sara Skamser), down at the Newport Marine Terminal. <!> Special Thanks to our Good Friend Dean Fleck for setting this visit up for us <!> Sara is the proprietor of the very unique “Foul Weather Trawl” Company >><< Sara & her Staff practice the “Almost Lost Art” of making, by hand, the Big & Expensive Nets used by Commercial Fisherman all over the world. This is a very special opportunity for us to meet “The Net Lady” & see how these Huge Nets are constructed by her skilled staff.  We will all convene at the Club House at 9 AM & Form Car Pools to arrive down to her Manufacturing Facility, by 10 AM. You don’t want to miss this one & be sure to bring your camera !!! 







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