Thursday, March 31, 2011



(Mark your calendar)

1 April (Friday) April Fools' Day.....Don't fall for that Tall Tale!!

2 April (Saturday)  Sportsman's Banquet @ 5pm

Dinner (free) and Awards at the Newport High School hosted by the Newport Nazarene and your Fishing Club will have a table promoting the club at this event.  The club video "Fishing Forever" will be played.

5 April (Tuesday) 2nd Quarter ODFW Meeting 

7 April (Thursday)  MONTHLY BREAKFAST MEETING       

( 9 AM at the Agate Beach Café)

The first meeting of the month will feature a hearty breakfast.  Learn about upcoming events and get reports from the officers.  Most of all, enjoy the camaraderie of your fellow club members.  Bring a friend who might enjoy being a part of our great club.

5 April (Tuesday) 2nd Quarter ODFW Meeting 

This meeting is to plan upcoming events and projects that we assist ODFW with

9 April (Saturday) Siletz River Clean Up Day @ 9am

Meet at Hee Hee Ilahee Park to keep the beautiful Siletz River Clean (contact Don Sarver if you would like to help).

14 April (Thursday) Palmer Creek Smolt Plant

The club will be looking for volunteers to watch over the smolts for about one week.  Camp Palmer Creek (complete with Frank Stout's trusty trailer) will be made ready. 

15 April (Friday)  Net set-up & Stocking for the Olalla Lake Kid's Fishing 

16 April (Saturday)...Starting at 8am...Toledo Festival featuring Kid's Fishing Day and Earth Day Events sponsored by GP

Your fishing club will be looking for your help to man the Kid's Fishing event


( 9 AM at the LVH Club House) 

Wayde Dudley has arranged a special guest speaker for the club.  Stan van de Wetering, the fish biologist from the Confederated Tribes of the Siletz, will tell us of the Tribe's efforts for fish sustainability.   Also, learn about recently completed and upcoming Club Events with reports from all of your Club Officers.  This should be a DON'T MISS MEETING!

30 April (Saturday) Newport Loyalty Days Parade

This year Lincoln City Police Officer Steven Dodds will be the parade Grand Marshall.  (Look for a probable return performance of the BLUES BROTHERS)

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