Friday, December 19, 2008


To our LVH FC Membership ………..


It is with a great deal of pleasure that we are able to pass along, the following Comments received from James Ray.      THE HOOK


From: James Ray []
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2008 12:59 PM
To: John Spangler




Thanks for update on the holiday gathering; it sounds like it was a great event and I'm sorry I could not attend.  I would like to use the closing out of the year to express my gratitude, once again, for all of the assistance that the LVH members provide to ODFW.  I do not need to explain to you how important your support is to the agency.  However, in addition to the working relationship that your club and ODFW has developed I'd like to express my appreciation for the personal working relationship that the members of your club have with Casey and myself.  I know I also speak for Casey when I say we thoroughly enjoy our camaraderie with all the members of your club and getting out in the field with you guys (and gal) is something we look forward to.


So please forward my sincerest best wishes to all the members of the club as we get ready to face another year.







James Ray

Assistant District Fish/STEP Biologist


Oregon Dept. Fish and Wildlife

810 SW Alder Street, Suite C,

Newport, OR, 97365.

Phone: (541) 265 8306 ext.253

Fax:  (541) 265 9894




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