Monday, February 23, 2009

The general membership meeting of the LVH Fishing Club was held February 19th at the LVH Clubhouse. Our special guest speaker, Ryan Miner, gave an excellent presentation and several "priceless" tips to fishermen on fishing and gear. Ryan is always one of our Club's favorite speakers.

There were several reports and updates on Club projects by various Board members, along with reports by Mac and Wayde on the progress of the Club video - sounds like it will be done soon. Also, Brian reported on the Aquatic Angler Program which starts again in April. Walter Chuck gave some details on the ODFW rockfish project which is now underway. There were several other reports and discussions but the best of the day (as evidenced in the photo with Matt) was Matt Matheney's account of his fishing trip with Phil Reed. I don't think Phil could ask for a better advertisement than that!

All in all, it was a good meeting (aren't they all?). We are all looking forward to the trip to Tillamook on Thursday, February 26th.

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