Friday, April 24, 2009


THE GREAT PACIFIC “FLOATING” GARBAGE PATCH >> Yep<< This Bad Boy is as Big as Texas & about 9 Miles Deep !!!!


Holy Toledo, You Say & Me Too !!!!!   This Giant Garbage Patch is comprised of mostly Plastic Stuff that we all use everyday & then put into our Trash Stream >< It floats around, in an elliptical pattern, somewhere between California & Hawaii >>>>> It gets worse >< There is another one of these Giant Plastic Garbage Dumps Floating around somewhere West of Hawaii & East of Japan.


Those of you who join with Ellie LaMaster, our Beach Mistress, when we do our LVH FC Quarterly Beverly Beach Litter Patrols would recognize a lot of the same kind of Plastic & Synthetic Line Stuff that we pick up on our beach.


It kind of makes you both Angry & Very Sad the way we treat our Oceans & Beaches. Ultimately, all of the Critters that Live In, On or Near the Ocean are impacted & that includes US. There is beginning to be a body of scientific evidence, that indicates some of these Plastic Ocean By Products, which are carcinogenic, may be getting into our food chain & that could begin to spoil our Whole Week-End !!!


Here’s the Deal >> On a Free & Interesting Evening >>> Monday Evening ( 6:30 PM on 27 April 2009 ) >>> Hatfield Science Center Auditorium will provide a most interesting presentation regarding THE GREAT PACIFIC “FLOATING” GARBAGE PATCH >>>>>>>>


Don’t miss this one !!!        THE HOOK



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