Tuesday, August 04, 2009

FW: Prestigious 2009 WILLA Literary Award Recipient

Hello to All of our Good FC “Reader” Members >>>>>>> Just thought you’d be interested in some Wonderful News Regarding our Dear Friend Michele Longo Eder ………  THE HOOK



From: Barbara Dudley


Subject: Fwd: Prestigious 2009 WILLA Literary Award Recipient









Contact: Michele Longo Eder
(503) 265-3337


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For Creative Nonfiction


Women Writing the West is a nonprofit association of writers, editors, publishers, agents, booksellers, and other professionals writing and promoting the Women's West. As such, Women Writing the West provides support, encouragement, and inspiration to all writers whose passion is to portray women and their stories in the American West in a way that illuminates them authentically.


Awarded annually for outstanding literature featuring women's stories set in the West, the WILLA Literary Awards are chosen by a distinguished panel of twenty-one professional librarians.

This year, in the category of Creative Nonfiction, this prestigious award will be given to Michele Longo Eder for her book, Salt In Our Blood: The Memoir of a Fisherman's Wife.

The Award Ceremony will be held in Los Angeles, CA on September 12, 2009.

Salt In Our Blood recounts the moving story of a commercial fisherman's wife, who is both a mother and a successful attorney on the Oregon coast. Set against the sudden loss at sea of the Eders' oldest son, Ben, it is a tale of indescribable sadness but also one of resilience and courage - a stunning testament to one family's strength and the memory of their remarkable son.






A native of upstate New York, after graduating from The Johns Hopkins University in 1976, Michele moved to Portland, Oregon to attend law school at Lewis & Clark. She has practiced law on the Oregon Coast for almost 30 years.

In her legal career, Michele has represented a wide variety of clients, including commercial fishermen and their associations.

In the world of fisheries and oceans, Michele serves on the Board of Directors of the North Pacific Research Board, and, as a two-term Presidential appointee, is a Commissioner with the U.S. Arctic Research Commission.


Salt In Our Blood: The Memoir of a Fisherman's Wife retails for $16.95 and is available online at www.saltinourblood.com, amazon.com and through local booksellers.  Salt In Our Blood is distributed through Baker & Taylor and Partners West.

Michele Longo Eder is available for interviews. Contact Michele directly at 503-265-3337 or email at michele@michelelongoeder.com









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