Saturday, November 14, 2009


SCHOONER CREEK FISH TRAP REPORT < for > Friday, 13 Nov. 2009               


Team Chinook >>> 4 Men & 54 Miles R/T.          Fish Count >>>>>>>> 2 Male COHO & 1 Native Male Steel Head all passed Upstream.


Hello Casey >< This is the 1st in our series of Trap Operations Reports, which we hope will make you feel very much a part of what we do in the Bush & at the Traps.    (Hang Tough Casey!!)


Our Run Today was made without any rain, but it was a little chilly. We had a full team with Captain Bill, Bud Roark, Larry Dale & Me. Bill opted to be the Trap Man today & he initially found 2 beautiful Male COHO, which Larry passed to Bud, who is our Stream Release Man. The last fish Bill found was a healthy Native Male Steel Head, which we passed upstream. We had moderate water flow with minimum debris in the Trap.


Once again Bud defied “All Odd” & got out of the Creek with his Waders Dry Inside !!!  Of course, I deftly handled the Driving & the Clipboard Duties.  Bill & Larry secured the Trap & then we all Saddled Up & Pulled for home.  

What a Team & We always have Fun & a Bunch of Laughs >< Sorry to report, No Wild Life Sightings this trip.     JCS for Team Chinook

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