Tuesday, April 20, 2010

NEW! ODFW "Volunteer Tracks" Newsletter - Spring/Summer 2010

Just In from MIKE SAMPLES >>>>>>> “New” ODFW Volunteer Newsletter ‘VOLUNTEER TRACKS”  (Spring / Summer 2K10)


Thank You Mike >< For taking the time to share your thoughts with the LVH FC Board Members & Our Wonderful LVH FC Membership.


It is truly amazing, what can be accomplished by a dedicated group of people working closely with our ODFW Friends & other Coastal Fishing Clubs. It should also be noted, that it was very gracious of Derek Wilson to do such a fine job writing this article, which appears in the current issue of “Volunteer Tracks” >< Special Thanks to you Derek ………


As the Club President, I am always humbled by My Good Fortune to be able to Associate with the caliber of people that represent our LVH FC Membership & Friends.                     THE HOOK     


From: Mike Samples [mailto:msamples57@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 7:36 PM
To: Big Fish; John Spangler
Subject: Re: NEW! ODFW "Volunteer Tracks" Newsletter - Spring/Summer 2010


Hello LVHFC,


I have just been reading the latest publication of "Volunteer Tracks" sponsored and submitted by ODFW. 


 What a wonderfully accredited validation to the continuing work done by the Longview Hills Fishing Club.  In all my years working with and volunteering for ODFW, I have never been more proud to be working with a group of people like  the wonderful dedicated members of the Longview Hills Fishing Club (LHFC).  Not only does everyone care for the future of our anadromous fisheries but, each and everyone involved does what he or she can to promote sustainability with our most precious resource.  


Thank you John Spangler, and all of your team of officers for your insight and continuing dedication to one of Oregon's most important resources.  Without you and the board of LVHFC so many of ODFW's goals would fall short of expectations.  You taught me years ago to understand  "boots on the ground".  Since that time I have never and will never forget how important those few words are.  You and LVHFC have been the epitome of volunteerism in this wonderful state of Oregon.  I am now and will always be proud to associate with people like you.  Your dedicated and devoted friend.  


Team Lone Wolf,







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