Monday, June 07, 2010

The Great Tillamook Fishing Adventure >>> 7 JUNE 2K10

Check Out these Great Tillamook Fishing Adventure PIX >> Experienced by Linda Reed & Mac Andrew >< Under the Professional Guidance of our very own Capt. PHIL REED >>>>


Congratulations Linda on your Successful Landing of a Beautiful 30 in >< 23 lb Salmon >>> In spite of having a BANANA ABOARD !~!~!


Well Done >< To All Hands Aboard Capt. Phil’s Fine Boat >>>>   THE HOOK





Subject: The Great Tillamook Fishing Adventure   ( 7 JUNE 10 )


The great adventure began early, (o'dark thirty) it was rainy and cold...

the Nobel ship was prepared and provisions were laid up.

The Captain looked at the harsh sky and scowled...


But the happy fisher woman beamed with joy and assured everyone that the sky would clear and it would be a wonderful day.

many boats filled the bay, competition was stiff

Suddenly, the fish was on and the fight ensued..

suddenly the first flash of the fish in the water...

and a second flash reveled its size

suddenly it was in the net...

then, in keeping with an old sea tradition, the Captain stabbed himself with the hook, to ensure further success

they continued to fish but could not understand why there fate had changed?
and then he pulled from his chest a ... BANANA! and the dreaded banana curse fell upon the boat and no further fish were caught.

and we end our tail with the fish weighed

the captain happy

and a nice trophy catch...

Tillamook bay, Monday June 7th 2010, weight 23 pounds and 30 inches in length

and a good time was had by all...

                Captain Banana

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