Friday, July 25, 2008

FW: Fishing Club Survey




Hello to all of our Club Members, your feedback resulting from this survey, will be very helpful to us in planning for 2009 Club Operations. We have designed this survey so that all you need to do is hit your E-Mail Reply & return the information to Big Fish. A hard copy of this survey will be provide upon request.



1.    Do you like having 2 (Breakfast & General Membership) meetings a month?                                                                                        YES_____    NO_____


2.    Do you like having a Breakfast Meeting?                                                                            YES_____    NO_____


3.    Do you like having the Breakfast Meetings at the Golf Course, or would you prefer rotating the venue ?                              YES_____    NO_____


4.    Do you like having guest speakers at the General Membership Clubhouse Meetings?                                        YES_____    NO_____


5.    What subject or topic would you like presented?  ________________________________________________


6.    What do you like most about the Fishing Club?    _________________________________________________


7.    What do you like the least about the Fishing Club  _________________________________________________


8.    Is there a particular tour or activity you would like the club to do and/or repeat?  ______________________________________________


9.    What are your thoughts on such Club activities as Litter Patrols (Big Creek & Beverly Beach), Various ODFW Activities (Fish Trapping & Aquatic Angler Program), U-DA MAN Tournament, etc. ?___________


10.   Are we communicating effectively with you (BLASTS, Monthly Schedules, On the Water Column, The WALL, etc.) ???  Comments _____________________



Thank you for taking the time to respond to this survey & there by contribute to the "well being" of YOUR LONGVIEW HILLS FISHING CLUB ……….




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