SCHOONER CREEK FISH TRAP REPORT ( 12 January 2009 ) (Team Chinook >< 4 men & 57 Miles)
When we arrived, we did not find any fish in the Trap >><< In fact, what we found was a SILT & GRAVEL TRAP >>>>>>>>>
There was very minimal flow from the creek onto the Trap Head Gate. It was packed solid, with about 5 feet of silt & debris. This condition was level all of the way out the front of the Trap & into the creek. The bottom of the Trap contained about 18 inches of Silt with a very limited water flow of 6 to 8 inches. We were able to open the Tail Gate of the Trap & Bill went under & down the Fish Ladder. He found Heavy Gravel/Silt build-up at all of the Angel Changes in the Ladder, making it virtually impossible, with the severely restricted water flow & build up, for any possible up stream movement of fish.
We worked for about 2 hours >< With Bill down in the Trap & Bud & Bob working at the front of the Trap. Due to the significant amount of material in the front end of the Trap, all we were able to accomplish was to get some additional flow into the Trap. It was clear that, our best efforts were completely inadequate to deal with Raising the Head Gate and/or really getting the Trap back in a safe operational condition to function as a Fish Sanctuary.
The Present Condition of the Trap is that >>Upon our departure<< We took the Trap Out of Commission by Raising & Barring the Trap Tail Gate Up & Open. The Head Gate remains down & completely inoperative due to severe Gravel/Silt build up & restricted in-flow from the creek.
JCS for Team Chinook Members
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