Friday, January 16, 2009

Several members of the LVH Fishing Club helped Central Coast FlyFishers with an ODFW Reparian Project on Thursday, January 15th, in the Seal Rock area. We met in the chilly morning at Butch's house and then went the short distance to the area we were working on. We started the day with coffee and donuts (thanks, John and Alan) and then got busy. Check out the nifty glove Butch made John for his right hand - it worked great at keeping John warm and comfy. It wasn't too long before the sun came out, jackets were taken off and men started sweating. If you look close at some of the pictures you will see the slide marks the beaver made in getting from the trees to the creek, and look at his handy work in building the dam. Everyone (except me, of course, I was just along to take pictures) worked hard at clearing brush, cutting those nasty blackberry bushes, cutting wire for the "cages" and placing the cages around trees to protect them from Mr. Beaver, and placing more wire cages around the +40 new trees that were planted. After a long morning everyone went back to Butch's house where he was kind enough to cook us a great lunch. As always, our group worked hard yet still managed to have a good time and finished the project sooner than expected. I'll repeat myself and say "Good job everyone!"

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