Sunday, May 09, 2010


ODFW >< ELK HABITAT ENHANCEMENT PROJECT    > on <   The South Fork of the Yachats River          ( 8 MAY 2K10 )


Well We Did It !!!  >> THAT’S A VERY BIG WE <<  Tami Wagner & Her ODFW colleague Doug >< Led the Tree Planting Charge & Our Good “CCFF” Friends Did Most of The Heavy Lifting, with Don Sarver & Me Carrying The Water for LVH FC …… (CCFF also took a Bunch of PIX, which they will share with us.)


It was a Terrific Weather Day & the Wild Life Refuge, along the South Fork, was Absolutely Beautiful. Under Tami & Doug’s Guidance, we were able to plant over 200 Trees & Shrubs, which will, over time, transform these beautiful old meadows into a more hospitable habitat for the many Resident Elk ……..


Att’a Boys & Girls are in order for Jack Maitlen & His Super CCFF Crew >> & << The next time you get to talk with Don Sarver >>(Who is Mighty Handy with a Wheel Barrow & Shovel)<< Make sure you have him tell you the Story about the Time He & a Friend >< Shot a Deer & Carried It Home On a Motorcycle >>> I actually think Most of The Story Is True !~!~!~!              THE HOOK   

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