Tuesday, November 16, 2010


JAME RAY UPDATE & Some Other Good News from Alaska >>>>>>>


Hello Folks >><< Here is the latest >< Compliments of 1st Lady >< Regarding some Wonderful News from our Dear Friend James Ray & his lovely family  >>>


From: Barbara Dudley
Subject: Casey (Joe Longo Award Winner)


Thought you all might like to read this from James.  I sent him an e-mail.  I would like to forward this info in a blast to the fishing club, please.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Ray <jdmray@hotmail.com>To: barbdud@gmail.com

Lovely to hear from you!  Although Sarah and I are having a great time here in Alaska, we too wouldn't mind if if we got back to Oregon!  I miss you all at LVH and often wonder what projects you are up to these days and how the new STEP Biologist is doing.
I have some important news to share with you which I would love you to share with everyone else; Sarah gave birth to our first child 3 weeks ago!  So I'm now a father of a gorgeous little girl:  Hazel Jane Ray - 8lb 6oz  She has been around for 3 weeks, but we've been so busy getting used to the new world order that I haven't had much time to send out pictures.  I've attached a picture and I will send an album soon.
I think it is wonderful LVH has decided to honor him in this way.  I have been able to speak with Casey numerous times over the last year and have been amazed at how he has responded to such and awful situation.  He has always been an inspiration and this situation just shows his true colors.

Give my regards to 'the boys' !!!



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