Tuesday, November 02, 2010


THE NEW KNEE DEPARTMENT & Some Other FC Stuff >>>>>>>>


Hello Friends >< I have it on Very Good Authority (Actually, I purloined it out of THE VIEW !!) >> That <<> Our FC Pal Ron Thomas will be getting a NEW KNEE & the Warranty Period will begin, on the 8th of this month.


That is Very Good News, in as much as we are trying to Invite Ron & Jackie to join us for our 2 December FC Breakfast Meeting. Ron as you know continues to be our LVH Web Master & In that capacity, has faithfully supported, over these last 6 years, our FC Site on the LVH Blog.


It seems like a little recognition, after 6 years, is in order >< So >< It behooves us all, to put Brother Ron on Our Angel List & Encourage Him to recover sufficiently, so that He & Jackie can be our Special “December Breakfast Meeting” Guests !~!~!~!  >>>>>>>>>>>    THE HOOK

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