Thursday, March 04, 2010

FIELD TRIP >>>>>>>

FIELD TRIP TO OBSERVE > the < FLORENCE ODFW STEP PROGRAM ACTIVITIES >>>>         (8 AM to 4 PM > on < 9 March 2K10)


Our Fishing Club Membership has been invited, by the Florence STEP Program Volunteers, to visit their Fish Trapping & Whittier Creek Hatchery Operations. They are very involved in an Extensive Steelhead Stewardship Program, which is showing considerable promise.


All interested LVH FC Members are invited to Muster at the LVH Club House at 8 AM on Tuesday the 9th of March. We will Form Car Pools so that we can arrive down in Florence by about 10 AM >><< Brian Hudson, will be our Point Man & Introduce us to his STEP Colleagues & their Program Activities, etc. Visitors do not need to bring waders, but can do so, if you wish to actually get down in the Fish Trap.


This will be an All Day Expedition, which will involve having Lunch in Florence & a return to LVH sometime around 3:30 or 4 PM.


Hope to See You on the 9th >>>>>>>     THE HOOK

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