Just In >< 2009 ODFW Fall Chinook/Coho Meeting High-Lights ( 29 April 09 )
Provided by our Good Friend,
From: Coastal Pro Guide Service [mailto:coastalproguideservice@hotmail.com]
Subject: 2009 Fall Chinook/Coho--Meeting higlights
Here is the news from the meeting with ODFW on Wednesday evening.
These are my notes and some of the highlights from the meeting.
Fall Chinook:
There are three proposals that are being looked at for fall chinook fishing in the bays and rivers. I mainly took notes on the central coast rivers(Siletz, Yaquina, Alsea), as they affect us more than other rivers.
Proposal 1: Everything the same as last year, meaning 1 fish per day and 5 wild chinook from August 1st on.
Propasal 2: 1 fish per day with 3 wild chinook from August 1st on.
Proposal 3: 1 fish per day and 5 wild chinook with possible closures on all three rivers based on the early return numbers.
The escapment(spawner) numbers in 2008 were very poor in the Alsea and Siletz river systems. There is a minimum number of spawners that ODFW and the Pacific Marine Fisheries Council wants to see. On both rivers were below that magic number, and that is why they are proposing a closure on those rivers if the chinook spawner numbers appear to be low during the early counts.
A number of people were upset including local marina owners and some guides in attendence. If the rivers were to close for chinook, this would obviously be a blow to our local economy.
The bright side of all this is that the numbers for the 2010 fall run are predicted to be much better than the last couple of years. When ODFW did smolt surveys in early 2009 they said they were suprised at the number of smolts that they netted. The smolt numbrs were in the ballpark of a normal year, so lets hope that those fish are successful on the ocean.
Wild Coho:
There is goint to be a proposal to the ODFW Commision to allow a wild coho fishery on 4 rivers and 2 lakes on the coast. The four rivers are the Nehalem, Yaquina, Coquille and the Coos. The lakes are Siltcoos and Takhenitch. Both lakes will continue on with their successful fisheries as they have in the past.
I mainly took notes on the Yaquina fishery:
They are proposing a 1 wild adult coho and 1 wild jack coho per day and 5 adult fish per year fishery. There would be a quoto of 500 adults for the Yaquina. The upper boundry would be at
All the above information is available and can be commented on at: www.dfw.state.or.us I was unable to find the exact link to where you can make comments, but I do know that all comments must be received by May 22nd 2009. The commission with make its final decision on June 05, 2009.
That is the general idea from last nights meeting. The people at the meeting were allowed to make comments and notes were taken by ODFW staff. There is lots of good ideas out there, and then there were some ideas that seemed to benifit only a few people. We need to prepare for another poor fall Chinook fishery, and hope that the ocean and mother nature bring us good numbers in 2010. If I missed something, maybe Brian Hudson or Phil Reed or a couple other people that were at the meeting could fill in the blanks.
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